Wednesday, June 3, 2009

And were outta here

Heber's last day of preschool was last Thursday. I really wish this picture would have turned out a little better. I could tell the second I took it that it was blurry but Hebe just couln't be bothered with standing still for one more minute while his friends were building the ultimate block tower across the room.
These 3 ladies were phenominal and I am so happy that Heber got to share his first school experience with them. We will sure miss Mrs. Sliman, Mrs. Whal, and Mrs. Bickart, and all our friends from room 5 this summer. We hope we can steal a hug or twenty as we walk by to our new classroom and new teachers next fall.

1 comment:

Jen A. said...

Congrats Heber!! I just love those ladies, please tell them Hello from the Allred crew. We look forward to seeing your pic's, so we can see summer in Ohio! I'm afraid we get Las Vegas all summer this year, pray that we don't melt!