Monday, October 1, 2007

If I would have only known!

So, for 4 weeks now I have busted my behind writing a paper for my psychology class. I have never been more prepared with a writing assignment so early in the game. I have tweeked it and fine tuned it to death. I was just getting ready to submit it through our class portal and I noticed a statement that has been there the whole time but I guess I failed to actually internalize it:

"Due to this being your first writing assignment upon returning to school this paper will not be graded by an instructor. You will receive a full 25 points for turning stages of the assignment in on time to your writing consultant........" Blah Blah Blah!

I cannot believe that I put all that effort into a paper that is not going to be actually looked at except to check for formatting and proper documentation. What the heck!!!!! I better be able to use this at some point down the road!

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