1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I (Ben or Rach) had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.
1 day ago
I remember that song. In fact, I still have the music and think of you whenever I see it.
I also remember one Sunday we went to Pegram. Your parents were speaking & you and Lisa were singing, of course. I think Jared brought his kids, too. With all of us there, we doubled the normal size of the congregation.
I remember sitting out on the Ochenbein's trampoline and telling scary stories and we didn't think anyone was in the house and then someone came out and we all freaked out. I also remember eating the dog biscuits at your house on a dare.
I remember being a cheerleader with you-I was a sophomore and you a freshman? You had great jumps!
Oh there are so many to choose from...one of my favorites though...I remember driving down Yellowstone in the back of Berg's truck sitting on the mattress signing at the top of our lungs...or...walking to Albertson's at 2:00 in the morning...or just sitting up all night talking...man I miss you :-(
Here is one for Ben...going to Wingers with the "fart machine"...I haven't laughed that hard for a long time.
I remember you helping me with my son when my daughter was born and I was SO grateful! You also gave us the most darling dress for our little girl that her sister also got to wear and it always got a ton of compliments. P.S. I've been a secret reader of your blog for awhile, and you do an awesome job!
i remember you making awesome eggrolls when we were living in pocatello. i also remember wanting hair like yours in grade school, mine would never grow that long.
I have a hard time choosing one. I have two that stand out strong in my mind... #1 In first grade when you were my TA and we were sitting in the back of the room doing flash cards... and #2 When you lived with Sari and you guys had that card board cut out of James Dean... You two were so funny... Ha Ha
I remember the good old cheerleading days. Having our pictures taken over in Bern in the middle of winter as a surprise for Mrs. Berning!
well here is my memories1-being in the same classes almost all of the time in A J, then you left me for Paris(jk), Walking to Middle School together for the 1st week cause we were scared, Singing Whitney Housten songs & dancing & the famous little bear Andrew. I do have more... I hope you had a good trip home, I felt bad I didn't get to see you. Hope all is well.
I have a HORRIBLE memory but I Do remember Cheer-leading with you! Every time I look at old pictures I have to smile.
... I should send you those pixs. Camp. *sigh* good times.
Rachel, I remember you dumping me in grade school so you could got out with Adam M (Those darn Paris boys!) and about a million other things but I just thought I'd focus on a bad one!
Ben, how can I not bring up you protecting my honor with an all out brawl at the Garden City Dance. I also a pretty wild golf cart ride at BLW in the middle of the night.
I remember you watching Hyrum and Abram once, so Anona and I could go out on a date. Our boys loved you two, but they had been a TERROR while we were gone. I remember afterwards thinking "the Olsons are never going to want to have children (nor talk to us again)." but of coarse you still did. You guys are great.
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